Commodity System

The Commodity Management System work stream focused on commodity specification management, complaint/supply chain database, product sheets, commodity historical (volumes, inventory, prices, etc.), approved-suppliers list, commodity reference guides.

Commodity System


The Commodity Management System team focused on:

  • Updating and streamlining the USAID/FFP commodities resources portal. The new portal aims to raise the profile of the U.S. food aid basket and better share and present commodity information online to PVOs, suppliers, USAID mission representatives and other stakeholders, especially for new products.
  • Developing and modernizing the Commodity Reference Guide (CRG) Fact Sheets. FAQR will develop and populate modernized fact sheets and will assist FFP in finalizing a strategy for regular updating of the CRG Fact Sheets and other tools for programming new specialized products.
  • Harmonizing specifications and templates for food aid commodities; this includes developing commodity specification templates that are aligned with general industry practice standards, creating resources to support efforts to harmonize U.S. product specifications with international product specifications, and standardizing and enhancing interaction between USAID and USDA, and between government and the private sector about these matters. 

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