Knowledge Sharing

The Knowledge Sharing work stream focused on disseminating research, building our evidence base and engaging in activities such as The Future of Food Assistance for Nutrition: Evidence Summit II, REFINE, and the FAQR website.

The Knowledge Sharing team focused on:
- Building greater awareness and visibility for FAQR by highlighting and sharing FAQR research findings, best practices, tools, and recommendations among target audiences through a range of communication tools and channels.
- Promoting the use and implementation of FAQR evidence-based findings, best practices, tools, and recommendations to a wide range of stakeholders in international nutrition assistance, including key officials at USAID and USDA.
- Fostering conversations related to international harmonization and coordination of food aid efforts.
- Hosting the second Food Assistance for Nutrition Evidence Summit - The Future of Food Assistance for Nutrition: Evidence Summit II - to share new evidence introduced over the past two years, discuss future evidence needs, and consider how we can collaborate to produce this evidence to further the food assistance for nutrition agenda.
- Strengthening FAQR communications through increased information sharing and an improved and more user-friendly FAQR website.
- Engaging with the food aid community, including researchers, policymakers, and programmers, through the Research Engagement on Food Innovations for Nutrition Effectiveness (REFINE) website and Twitter page. REFINE is a knowledge sharing-mechanism that aims to improve the effectiveness of food-supported interventions by gathering and enhancing accessibility to ongoing and published studies and policy publications.”
REFINE Final Report
Quarterly REFINE Resource Reviews
- July - September 2020 Resource Review
- October - December 2020 Resource Review
- January - March 2021 Resource Review
- April - June 2021 Resource Review
Questions about this work stream?
Contact Principal Investigator,