Lessons Learned from Cost-Effectiveness Research for Specialized Nutritious Food Assistance in West Africa
A Mobile Data Collection Tool Using Android Tablets for In-Home Observations in Sierra Leone Improves Data Quality
Formative Research to Tailor Counseling Messages for a Supplementary Feeding Program in Sierra Leone Reveals Link Between Knowledge, Social Stigma, and Recipe Adherance
Evaluating Opportunity Cost of Caregivers' Time and its Impact on Comparative Cost-Effectiveness of Supplementary Foods to Prevent Child Undernutrition in Burkina Faso
Methods for Rigorous In-home Observation Conducted During a Food Aid Cost-effectiveness Trial in Burkina Faso
Self-report vs. direct measures for assessing corn soy blend porridge preparation and feeding behavior in a moderate acute malnutrition treatment program in southern Malawi
Effective delivery of social and behavior change communication through a Care Group model in a supplementary feeding program