REFINEInterested in food aid research beyond FAQR? Visit REFINE - a knowledge-sharing mechanism that aims to improve nutritional effectiveness of food aid products.
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June 2017 Inter-Agency Working Group for Specialized Nutritious Food Products Meeting Communique
Interagency Coordination and Harmonization
June 2017 Inter-Agency Working Group for Specialized Nutritious Food Products Meeting Terms of Reference
Interagency Coordination and Harmonization
Lessons Learned from Cost-Effectiveness Research for Specialized Nutritious Food Assistance in West Africa
Ye Shen; Devika Suri; Stephen Vosti; Breanna Langlois; Ilana Cliffer; Stacey Griswold; Patrick Webb; Beatrice Rogers
Cost Effectiveness Tools, FAQR Field Research
Making Food Aid Fit for Purpose in the 21st Century: A Review of Recent Initiatives Improving the Nutritional Quality of Foods Used in Emergency and Development Programming
Patrick Webb, PhD, Kristine Caiafa, MS, and Shelley Walton, MPH; for the Food Aid Quality Review Group
Food Aid Basket
Malawi Experiences of Caregivers EB 2017
Langlois, B., Suri, D., Shen, Y., Walton, S., Guevara Alvarez, G., Moses, K., and Rogers, B.
FAQR Field Research
Malawi SBCC EB 2017
Wilner, L., Suri, D., Langlois, B., Walton, S., and Rogers, B.
FAQR Field Research
Management of Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM): Current Knowledge and Practice
Annan R., Webb P., and Brown R.
Knowledge Sharing
Maximizing Food Aid Supply Chain Cost: A report from the Food Aid Quality Review Workshop at the 2017 Health and Humanitarian Logistics Conference
Tufts University
Food Aid Safety, Quality Systems and Supply Chain, Knowledge Sharing
Methods for Rigorous In-home Observation Conducted During a Food Aid Cost-effectiveness Trial in Burkina Faso
Ilana Cliffer; Laetitia Nikiema ; Franck Garanet; Devika Suri; Breanne Langlois; Ye Shen; Shelley Walton; Patrick Webb ; Beatrice Rogers
FAQR Field Research
Population-Based Survey (PBS) Dataset Harmonization and Pooling: Potential Value to USAID and Challenges
Gabrielle Witham ; Audrey Karabayinga; Beatrice Rogers; Patrick Webb
Data Mining
Program changes are effective and cost-effective in increasing the amount of oil used in preparing corn soy blend porridge for treatment of moderate acute malnutrition in Malawi.
Rogers BL, Wilner LB, Maganga G, Walton SM, Suri DJ, Langlois BK, Chui KK, Boiteau JM, Vosti SA, Webb P.
FAQR Field Research
Project Year 4 Interagency Coordination & Harmonization Work Stream Concept Note
Interagency Coordination and Harmonization
Proposed Method for Assessing Packaging Options for Food Aid Products: The Case of Fortified Vegetable Oil
Agathe Roubert; Quentin Johnson; Shelley Walton; Patrick Webb
Protein Quality Workshop: Importance of Protein Quality in Prevention and Treatment of Child Malnutrition
Suri D., Marcus S., Shibani G., Kurpad, A. and Rosenberg, I.
Knowledge Sharing
Ready-to-use foods for management of moderate acute malnutrition: Considerations for scaling up production and use in programs
Osendarp S., Rogers B., Ryan K., Manary M., Akomo P., Jbahwere P., Belete H., Zeilani, M., Islam M., Dibari F., de Pee S.
Knowledge Sharing
Research Methods Used to Determine Cost-Effectiveness of a Supplementary Feeding Trial to Prevent Child Undernutrition in Burkina Faso
Ye Shen; Ilana Cliffer; Devika Suri; Stephen Vosti; Patrick Webb; Beatrice Rogers
Cost Effectiveness Tools
Salone 2.0 CE Methods EB 2017
Shen, Y., Griswold, S., Suri, D., Vosti, S., and Rogers, B.
Cost Effectiveness Tools
Self-report vs. direct measures for assessing corn soy blend porridge preparation and feeding behavior in a moderate acute malnutrition treatment program in southern Malawi
Breanne K. Langlois, Devika J. Suri, Lauren Wilner, Shelley Marcus Walton, Kwan Ho Kenneth Chui, Kristine R. Caiafa & Beatrice Lorge Rogers
FAQR Field Research
September 2018 Inter-Agency Working Group for Specialized Nutritious Food Products Meeting Communique
Interagency Coordination and Harmonization